Finding the Right Writing Template

How to generate 2500-words SEO optimized blog in 10 minutes with AI draft & NLP terms?

In this guide we will look at how to generate 2500 words blogs in less than 10 minutes using AI draft & NLP terms inside long-form assistant.

AISEO’s long-form assistant lets you create engaging and relevant blogs 10 times faster. With the use of AI and information on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), you can create SEO-optimized content with ease.

We wanted to bring the content creation process to the next level, so we developed AI draft which will allow you to generate your whole blog with few clicks. We will create our blog with AI draft and then optimize the blog using NLP terms to make it truly SEO optimized and all in less than 10 minutes.

Let’s get to it.

Generate a new blog

  1. Log in to your AISEO account. On the left side of your dashboard, click “Generate.”
  2. Next, click on the “Long-form assistant.”
  3. Now, you will be provided with two options as a starting point.
    • Choose “Start from scratch” if you have an idea of what to write in the blog.
  4. Based on the starting point you chose, follow the steps given below. In this guide we will choose start from scratch but both options are quite similar.

Using the “Start from scratch” option

  1. Provide a search query. What do you think a user would search for so your article appears in the results.
  2. Provide your location in the Location textbox. It personalizes the search results to be accurate according to your location.
  3. Select a language from the dropdown menu. If you’re using the free trial version, you only have the option to choose English.
  4. Lastly, provide the title for your document. The title here is used to display the saved doc in saved page. Then click on the “Create New SEO document” button.
  5. The long-form editor will open where you can write the blog with AI or explore the results on SERP to see what you can add to your blog. To do so, go to the SERP Sections tab and click on “Extract SERP.”
  6. Then you open the outline as follows:

  • Select the outline you want to write about:
  • Click editor —> click AIDraft —> generate draft to begin generating the SEO based draft.
  • And Now you have your draft optimized copy in less than 5 minutes with AI draft.

  • To make your blog truly SEO optimized, go to NLP terms and extract NLP terms with 1 click. Then click on the robot icon where the term is not included enough times in the blog.
  • The AI will generate a paragraph containing this keyword as to see below:

    And that is it. In less than 10 minutes, we generated an SEO optimized blog with AI draft and then enriched the blog with the right keywords using NLP terms.

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